INTERNATIONALforums, workshops and festivals with the participation of foreign and Russian urbanists, architects, designers, artists: the international Spatial Development Forum, the international workshop “Genius of Place”, the international festivalArte Punctura, festival “Live streets”, festival-research “Field”.
LECTURES AND COURSESadditional education for young and novice city researchers and urban designers: “Technologies of urban culture”, conference “DIY urban culture: the experience of Helsinki and St. Petersburg”, session “Art strategies for the development of urban areas”.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS in the framework of the master's program at the Institute of Design and Urban Studies of ITMO University: “Public spaces and urban culture”, “Social design and participation”, “Science of the city in social theory”, “Introduction to the science of cities”, “Urban Studies and the Evolution of Cities”, “Sociology of the City and Urban Communities”.